Practice News
Changes to the NHS App
Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Poster
Please let us know if you cannot attend your appointment
In November 95.9% of all patients attended appointments. This means 4.1% of patients did not attend.
If you are unable to attend always cancel your appointment by:
- Call us on 01939 232424
- Text back to your reminder message
- Visit the practice in person
Help to Stop Smoking
The Healthy Lives Stop Smoking Service is a designated service within the Healthy Lives (Social Prescribing Service) to assist those with quitting smoking. Both telephone and 1:1 appointments are offered at various community venues around the county with stop smoking training advisors offering carbon monoxide readings, free NRT and regular check in appointments.
More info can be found on the online web page, alongside a self-book in platform:
National Patient Survey Results
We are pleased to share the National Patient Survey results. Thank you to all the patients that responded, we are delighted with the results. We would like to thank all the staff that work hard to ensure that our patients are cared for.
To all patients and residents across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
Our 2024 Newsletter - please clink on the link to find out what has been happening so far at the practice, during 2024.
Prees Road works 7th & 8th August 2024 - Please see map for information.
Carers Week 10th June to 16th June 2024
We are part of the Clinical Practice Research Datalink
Covid-19 Spring Booster 2024
If you think your child has measles, please call the surgery on 01939 232424. To check whether your child is up to date with their measles vaccination please check their red book, if you are unable to do this please complete an admin request, using our 'contact us online' form . Appointments are now available for MMR, please note we do not offer separate vaccinations.
Contact Us Online
Information about a software issue that prevented documents from being visible to patients.
We understand that some of our patients may have been unable to view certain documents (e.g. letters from the hospital) when using online services due to a software problem. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved; any new documents added to your electronic GP health records will be visible and it may take up to a month for older, affected documents to become visible.
Your GP team will have been able to access the letters, so your care will not have been affected during this time.
We know from your valued feedback how difficult it can be to get through to the practice on the telephone to arrange an appointment. Despite increasing our phone line capacity and employing more receptionists to take calls, waits can still be long at peak times and often throughout the day.
We have now completed our review of our existing booking system and listened to patient feedback from our Patient Participation group. After careful thought we have made the decision to move to an online system for requesting appointments and for any administrative queries.
From 8th April 2024 patients will be asked to submit a simple online form to contact the practice rather than phoning or coming into reception to book.
The form is clearly displayed and available on our website. It can be accessed via a smart phone, computer, or tablet. Once received our clinical and admin teams will review the forms the same day, and patients will then be contacted with the appropriate appointment or advice.
This model of practice is called Total Triage and helps us to prioritise urgent care and utilise the many members of our skilled primary care team appropriately.
All requests for any type of appointment, and all other queries can be quickly and easily submitted via the online form.
Below is a link to the form, and a link to a short video tutorial on how to complete the form.
Contact us about your request (
Patient Flash Demo: How to submit a medical request in Patient Triage (
If you do not have access to a smartphone, or computer, or are unable to use the online form you will still be able to telephone the practice. A receptionist will be able to submit the form on your behalf by completing it with you over the telephone. However, it will greatly improve our access on the telephone if all those patients that CAN use the online form do use it. Completing the form online will be quicker than waiting on the telephone to speak to a receptionist.
Patients who attend the practice to book an appointment or have an administrative request will be signposted to the online form or assisted to complete it by one of our reception team.
If you would like to find out more about using the online form, we will be holding several interactive help sessions, supported by our PPG, where you will have the opportunity to try it for yourself. You are welcome to drop in at any of these sessions. Dates will follow in due course and will be on the patient noticeboards and our website.
We are committed to providing excellent access to appointments for all our patients and are excited about incorporating new technology that we feel will improve our patients’ experience of contacting the practice.
Yours sincerely,
For and on behalf of The Partners Wem and Prees Medical Practice
Women's Health Day January 2024
A big thank you to everyone who attended the Womens Health Saturday both patients and staff.
The event was a huge success and the patient feedback has been excellent, many ladies appreciated the availability on a Saturday and the relaxed atmosphere. Lots of lovely comments about how friendly everyone was, a big thank you to the PPG who helped with the refreshments which has had lots of mentions in the feedback and how it made a difference to the experience.
A few suggestions were made about making more appointments bookable online (noted thank you). The drop in appointments were appreciated and the advice available on HRT/Menopause and Contraception.
We have a suggestion box in reception and on our website. We are always keen to hear from patients that would like to help us improve the health and wellbeing of our patient community.
Here are a number of videos that were playing on Saturday on or TV screens breast exam pelvic floor exercises ovarian cancer awareness Dr Sophie menopause and HRT mindfulness alcohol osteoporosis
Mental Health support service for Armed Forces Veterans
Anastrozole for breast cancer prevention
Total Triage Practice
What this means for you:
- Total Triage ensures that your query is directed and dealt with appropriately making this a better and more efficient experience for you.
- Ensures greater continuity of care, the doctor will review your medical record and wherever possible book you an appointment with the same clinician that has dealt with the problem previously.
We have a range of health care professionals working at the practice who may be more appropriate for you to see, rather than the GP. Our reception team have had specialist care navigation training and may offer you an appointment with the team members listed below:
- Nurse
- Health Care assistant
- Physio
- Social Prescriber
- Mental Health Occupational therapist
- Cancer care coordinator
- Community care coordinator
Care Navigation improves access to primary care services for patients and reduces GP pressures all in one. When you contact the practice to book an appointment you will be asked for a brief outline of the problem. This allows our trained reception team to gather information for the doctor to review your request and they will may also provide patients with information about local health and wellbeing services, both within and outside of primary care, in a safe, effective way.
This is because we want to offer our patients choice and help to access the most appropriate service first which is not always the GP. It also means that patients will find it easier to get a GP appointment when they need one.
How do I contact the practice/request an appointment?
- Use Accurx
- By Phone
- By email for routine administrative queries
Tired of waiting on the phone? Use Accurx!
- Accurx is our online consultation platform accessible via NHS App or here.
- Submit a medical or administrative request
- Please see the link below for a video on how to use Accurx.
Watch a video about how online triage works
What happens to my request?
- Medical requests are triaged by a clinician, who will decide on the most appropriate action and timescale, which may include, telephone or face to face appointment, advice or signposting to another service.
- Urgent medial requests- we will respond to you the same day
- Routine medical requests- we will respond to you within 2 working days
- Admin requests are viewed by a receptionist and directed to the most appropriate team member for action
Why we are making this change:
- New Government guidelines, developed to help you make an appointment with us.
- This change should make it easier to submit requests to the practice and ensure that requests are seen by the most appropriate member of staff and dealt with in an appropriate timeframe. Appointments will be prioritised according to need, rather than who gets to the appointments first.